美國 Aldrich 當代藝術館徵件-北京琉璃厂网(www.yishu999.com)

美國 Aldrich 當代藝術館徵件

(Hall Curatorial Fellowship 2006 - 2007)


Hall Curatorial Fellowship 2006 - 2007

The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum is pleased to announce the inception of the biannual Hall Curatorial Fellowship , an eighteen-month curatorial fellowship for international curators who wish to gain curatorial experience and professional development in an American museum setting. The Hall Fellow will be responsible for curating an original exhibition in keeping with The Aldrich's mission of leadership in the exhibition of significant and challenging contemporary art with an emphasis on emerging and mid-career artists. The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum is located in Ridgefield, Connecticut, 50 miles outside New York City.

Chosen by The Aldrich and an independent jury of distinguished art world professionals, The Hall Fellow will work closely with the curatorial department of the Museum. She/he will work together with The Aldrich's curatorial director to develop the exhibition, organize its practical details, and oversee its installation. She/he will collaborate with the Museum's education, program, and publications staff to develop appropriate complementary cultural and educational programming and ancilary brochures, and to develop an exhibition catalogue to be published by The Aldrich.
To be eligible for the Hall Curatorial Fellowship, an applicant must be an art professional with a focus on contemporary art, and a citizen of a country other than the United States of America. The applicant must be proficient in English, have prior experience as a curator or co-curator of at least three professional exhibitions of contemporary art, and be able to travel to the United States of America.

Only candidates who are resident outside the United States are eligible to apply. The Hall Fellow will receive a stipend of $25,000 over an eighteen-month period and a travel allowance of up to $6,000. The initial fellowship period will commence on June 1, 2006, through December 31, 2007, and the exhibition will be on view from October 2007 through March 2008. The Hall Fellow will be expected to travel to and stay at The Aldrich for an appropriate amount of time to successfully develop and implement his/her project; however, the Fellowship is not a full-time residency.

Applications for the Hall Curatorial Fellowship at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum should include a cover letter stating interest in the fellowship, an exhibition narrative proposal, budget, timeline, other supporting documents, are due at the Museum no later that February 1, 2006. The application should also include a C.V. and three letters of professional recommendation. Selected applicants will be invited for interviews at The Aldrich during March and April 2006. For full information and complete application materials, download the files below or visit www.aapmag.com. Questions regarding the Hall Fellowship should be addressed to fellowship@aldrichart.org .
The Aldrich Museum is grateful for the generosity of Andy and Christine Hall, who have endowed the Hall Curatorial Fellowship.

Aldrich 當代藝術館(the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum)位在距離紐約市約 50 哩之處的 Ridgefield 市。其前身 Larry Aldrich Museum 於 1964 年 11 月由時尚設計師 Larry Aldrich 創立,為美國首先專注於當代藝術作品展出的美術館之一,1967 年改名為 Aldrich 當代藝術館。

藝術館兩年一度的策展獎助金(Hall Curatorial Fellowship)開始接受申請,此長達 18 個月的策展獎助計畫,特別針對想在美國嘗試美術館策展經驗與專業發展的國際策展人而設。

由美術館與獨立傑出藝術專家組成的評審團隊遴選,獲選者(The Hall Fellow)將與館方的策展密切合作,與館方的策展總監一同完成展覽規劃、執行細節工作與裝置成果,以及製作相關的文宣教育推廣出版品。

申請者必須具備當代藝術領域的藝術專業工作者,以及非美國公民身分。英文語言能力必須優秀,並擁有三場以上當代藝術的獨立或共同策展經驗。同時必須能夠前往美國境內進行旅行查訪工作。於策展期間,獲選者將得到 $25,000 的補助金額,以及 $6,000 的旅差津貼。策展時間自 2006 年 6 月 1 日開始,至 2007 年 12 月底止。展覽則於 2007 年 10 月展至 2008 年 3 月。獲選者不需全職身分,得以飛航往來工作,但必須確實完成策展任務。

欲申請者必須提出對此獎助的興趣說明、展覽初步構想、預算、時間表與其他相關文件,個人經歷、三份專業推薦函,截止時間為 2006 年 2 月 1 日。

Susanne Ghez and Kasper Koenig to Juror Aldrich's Hall Fellowship
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum is very pleased to announce that Susanne Ghez and Kasper Koenig will be the jurors for the new Hall Curatorial Fellowship . The eighteen-month curatorial fellowship is offered biannually for international curators who wish to gain curatorial experience and professional development in an American museum setting. The Hall Fellow will be responsible for curating an original exhibition in keeping with The Aldrich's mission of leadership in the exhibition of significant and challenging contemporary art, with an emphasis on emerging and mid-career artists. Ms. Ghez and Mr. Koenig are major figures in the contemporary art world and are the ideal people to juror this important fellowship.
Since 1974 Susanne Ghez has been the director of The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, an independent, non-collecting museum exhibiting contemporary visual art. Her tenure has seen The Renaissance Society achieve international recognition for its ambitious program of rotating exhibitions and accompanying lectures and publications, which have introduced artwork by some of the most influential avant-garde artists from across the globe. Ghez traveled to five continents as part of the curatorial team for Documenta 11, the international art invitational that opened in June 2002 in Kassel, Germany. Highly esteemed and prominent in her field, she was awarded the 1996 Curators Grant from the Peter Norton Family Foundation and was the 2002 recipient of the coveted International Award for Curatorial Excellence from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. In May 2003, she received an honorary doctorate from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Kasper Koenig has been director of the Ludwig Museum, Cologne, since November 2000. There, he has been associated with major exhibitions such as " Westkunst ," " von hier aus ," and " skulptur.projekte Münster ." Kasper, a former Warhol Factory worker and founder of the Nova Scotia College of Art, is one of Europe's foremost curators.
The deadline for applications to the Hall Curatorial Fellowship is February 1, 2006. To be eligible, an applicant must be an art professional with a focus on contemporary art, and a citizen of a country other than the United States of America. The applicant must be proficient in English, have prior experience as a curator or co-curator of at least three professional exhibitions of contemporary art, and be able to travel to the United States of America.
Full information and complete application materials are available at www.aldrichart.org/hallfellowship. Questions regarding the Hall Fellowship should be addressed to fellowship@aldrichart.org.
The Aldrich Museum is grateful for the generosity of Andy and Christine Hall, who have endowed the Hall Curatorial Fellowship.
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